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golf as breast cancer therapy / stroke / autism disorder / re-education ...

Cours avec Christophe BONIN équipe de france handigolf président de L'AS handigolf nouvelle aquitaine.
CB:"ce que j'aime chez Aurélie c'est cela ... sont engagement physique pour mieux comprendre mon geste, la photo parle d'elle même".
Golf a sport for everyone
Since my childhood thanks to my specialized educating mom and my handicapped cousin, I have been sensitized to make sport accessible to all.
My belief is that with sport, disability is erased.
I make it a point of honor to understand how to make the gesture as effective as possible for everyone.
I also had the opportunity to allow children with autistic disorders to be fully integrated into my golf school lessons. It was a real success at each renewal of the school year and proud to have had the opportunity that a Re-education center entrusts for several years the establishment of a golf session.
It was a meeting that I do not miss under any pretext.
Support an association to raise awareness of breast cancer patients by organizing discovery days where all donations are donated to "AS LES GIVREES",
being partners to win prizes for an association "all at schools" are important commitments.
For me there is only the handicap but also all the people in remission of a cancer or following a stroke or even many other injuries which make that the teaching is not only for the gesture but also what to re-appropriate the body after a test.

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